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Soft Glam

$ 120 | 45mins -1Hr

Full face makeup application, soft eyeshadow, lashes included.

*most requested service

Full Glam

$140 | 1hr - 1hr/30mins

*for detailed eye requests such as cut crease, glitter, graphic liner, bold color requests and full lashes. 

Full face makeup application, *detailed eye looks, lashes included. Mink or 20mm+ lashes offered

Bridesmaids Glam

$130 | 40mins

Full face makeup application, soft eyeshadow, lashes offered. 

Bridal Makeup

$280 | 1hr 30mins

Bridal trial + wedding day application.  Trial/consultation day will need to be scheduled, recommended 1-2 months before wedding day. Wedding day application will include a 15min deep skin prep and a touch up kit for the day. Makeup applied to last 10+ hours.


Bridal makeup can be scheduled without consultation. Please see Calendly link for separate prices.

2-4 Hrs  | $270 
- Makeup application and touch ups
6-8hrs | $540

- 2+ Makeup applications, touch ups

On-location makeup

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